Seems I've been on a bit of a hiatus. Somehow posting photos on Facebook has become a habit but that doesn't let the world in general take a look. Here's one that you haven't seen that is of the same favorite turquoise trimmed skiff. It is just a bit mistier and a different composition. Truly a classic Northern Neck feel.
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Turquoise skiff at dawn at Catpoint Creek

Sunday, January 8, 2012
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Pony rides Northern Neck style

Once upon a time someone had a business and it was giving pony rides. At some point this was no longer so and the trailor was set aside in a front yard. Who knows if this was put to rest before or long after the fine old house in the background was deteriorating. All I knew is that this was a rather peculiar and therefore fun juxtaposition of ideas and shapes and colors. Hope you find it a bit of a kick too. There it was...just waiting to be a part of my country photos.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Phoebe, oh Phoebe

This is my favorite photo of my most favorite cat. She got sick a little over three years ago and went into a diabetic coma. It was horrible. I was told to let her go because she was in such bad shape. I didn't. I couldn't. And she lived for two full years before she took a walk into the cornfield (I surmise) and didn't return. She spent two full years taking great command over our entire household in so many ways. Not least of which was the fact that she required insulin shots each morning and each evening.
She had personality and was real ham. She was soft and became very tiny...just a bag of bones...and then she'd fatten up. She had a purr that would rival a motorboat's and I miss her. This is the photo that seems to mean the most to me and I hope you can find her in this too.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Seemingly a bridge, but truly a pier

This setting was something I came across while doing an project for a builder who wanted his home documented. Having spent a couple of hours photographing details of the interior and exterior and putting the home completely in context for a variety of uses, I was on my way home. And here was this most gentle, but beautiful scene. Lyrical. Simple. Soft and hard. Nature punctuated with a bit of color. It was a total surprise and one I savored.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Wide River Gallery, a slightly different take

I'd never thought about what this site was to be specifically. In general I thought it would be to showcase my photography. Then I realized that there are other things that can be brought to people than my photography (although it will come through things that I've photographed). That said, here is a photo of an artist's work I saw at the Wide River Gallery in Colonial Beach yesterday. They are stark, straight forward and quite wonderful. What was even more interesting was the poetry that went with them. Connie Canby, the owner/proprietor of Wide River pointed the poetry out to me. I'm not a big poetry isn't what really reaches me, but when it does, it really does. This was a special treat.
I found the whole gallery is really humming with things to look at and at reasonable prices. There is jewelry, special ceramic pieces, and pottery and some woodworked bowls, all of which are worth a look, as well as the two featured artists. A very worthwhile destination, if you are in that part of the world....oh, and across the street (diagonally) a Thai restaurant!!
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