One of these days I'll perhaps get beyond the day-to-day here and go back to some photos I really have felt strongly about. But for the moment, this is some documentation of the last few days and the weather and what it's felt like to be here. The first photo is of a road in Westmoreland County. We managed to fishtale a bit up a large hill and this was in four wheel drive. After that we had these nice little rolling hills to contend with. The flecks are from snow on the windhshield.
So later in the day (and this was this past Sunday) I took a similar photo of the picnic table out on the deck with a bit of sunshine on it.
There also was a gorgeous photo opportunity early in the day as the moon was fading and the sun was coming up. Here's a boathouse with the moon setting in the west.
And finally there are the piers the next morning as it was foggy and misty because of all the humidity in the air. Slightly eerie and beautiful.