Here are a couple of images that don't all fit together. The first two are of this morning and my walk quite early before the sun was fully up. I kind of liked the relationships in the first photo of the cinderblock house and the truck and snow and the crab and ....well you'll see.
A little later on the dogs were ready to go off over the little Catpoint Creek bridge in quest of I don't know what, and we turned around and went home. Pretty spectacular ice on the road, but it started to melt later in the day.
We drove around and found that the main roads were in pretty good shape which bode well for Monday, whereas a lot of the back roads looked like they were going to be snow or ice covered for quite some time. When we took the regular way back, which I had seen was plowed this morning, we realized that although it was plowed there was room only for one vehicle and so we kept our fingers crossed. It happened though that in 4 miles we met with not a single vehicle. Still, neither of us will go out that way in the morning.
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